Search a Tables name or Column Name in MS SQL Server
In our today's discussion, i will be writing some details how how Search a Tables name or Column Name in MS SQL Server.
This is quite simple and easy to execute to find any tables name in MS SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio.
The simple Select Statement is used for this
select * from sys.tables
The above query returns the Tables listed in a Database Such as we are using SampleDatabase
some of the common attributes/fields available against the above query
- name
- object_id
- principal_id
- schema_id
- parent_object_id
- type
- type_desc
- create_date
- modify_date
- is_ms_shipped
- is_published
- is_schema_published
- lob_data_space_id
- filestream_data_space_id
- max_column_id_used
- lock_on_bulk_load
- uses_ansi_nulls
- is_replicated
- has_replication_filter
- is_merge_published
- is_sync_tran_subscribed
- has_unchecked_assembly_data
- text_in_row_limit
- large_value_types_out_of_row
- is_tracked_by_cdc
- lock_escalation
- lock_escalation_desc
- is_filetable
Where some the Key Objects / Fields that we can use Such as Name of an Table / Entity.
Thus the same procedure can be use to find or use where clause with sys.tables.
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