Search a Tables name or Column Name in MS SQL Server 


In our today's discussion, i will be writing some details how how  Search a Tables name or Column Name in MS SQL Server.

This is quite simple and easy to execute to find any tables name in MS SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio.

The simple Select Statement is used for this 

select * from sys.tables 

The above query returns the Tables listed in a Database Such as we are using SampleDatabase
some of the common attributes/fields available against the above query
  1. name
  2. object_id
  3. principal_id
  4. schema_id
  5. parent_object_id
  6. type
  7. type_desc
  8. create_date
  9. modify_date
  10. is_ms_shipped
  11. is_published
  12. is_schema_published
  13. lob_data_space_id
  14. filestream_data_space_id
  15. max_column_id_used
  16. lock_on_bulk_load
  17. uses_ansi_nulls
  18. is_replicated
  19. has_replication_filter
  20. is_merge_published
  21. is_sync_tran_subscribed
  22. has_unchecked_assembly_data
  23. text_in_row_limit
  24. large_value_types_out_of_row
  25. is_tracked_by_cdc
  26. lock_escalation
  27. lock_escalation_desc
  28. is_filetable

 Where some the Key Objects / Fields that we can use Such as Name of an Table / Entity.

Thus the same procedure can be use to find or use where clause with sys.tables.